19 December, 2023Publicado por administrador on 19 December, 2023Categorias AlumniAlumni|News HomeAlumni|News Home|NoticesAlumni|News Home|Notices|Noticias EUHT StPOLAlumni|Noticias EUHT StPOLNacional|Notices|Noticias EUHT StPOLNews EUHT StPOLNews HomeNews Home|NoticesNews Home|Notices|Noticias EUHT StPOLNews Home|Noticias EUHT StPOLUncategorizedEUHT StPOL’s 2023 Graduation Ceremony
26 April, 2021Publicado por administrador on 26 April, 2021Categorias alumniAlumniAlumniHow to become the general manager of the biggest RIU Palace hotel worldwide?
7 October, 2020Publicado por administrador on 7 October, 2020Categorias AlumniAlumnialumninoticias homeChef Xavier Pellicer, former student of EUHT StPOL, enters the universe of the Plant Based Untouchable Chefs
22 April, 2020Publicado por administrador on 22 April, 2020Categorias Alumninoticias EUHT StPOLnoticias homeNoticias InicioUncategorizedCooking and Hospitality Books with EUHT StPOL Alumni seal